I have to make this blog post because it is something that has been burning in my brain for this last week. On my Facebook I have some of my friends from my last schools that I have been to. A few weeks ago one girl posted in her status that she was mad that her dad got a boat and that she wasn't going to get a car for her birthday and that she was mad over it. This weekend I saw another one of her statuses that said "I am going to die if I do not get the iPad for my birthday". Come on grow up you are turning 17 years old. It got me thinking about some of the things that my mom has told me in the past.
One of the reasions that we are having so many international money problems is because of greedy children, and their give me's.
Yes, I am a teenager, and yes I do 'wish' for alot of things. My parents tell me though that I have to pay for them myself or earn them working for them. I do not have a lot of things in my room or life that I would not have really wanted for myself. Things that I have I have to wait for some time to get if my parents buy them and that gives me alot of time to think my decisions over if I really want that or would I like to get something else insted.
I love my bags and I have alot of them. They are expensive, but not as expensive as a Coach and if my mom didn't sell them I would not have any in the first place. Almost every one of my bag have been hard earned and I had to wait for them even though they are just sitting next door so I have alot of time to think over is this really what I want.
I am starting to babble its probally the sleep talking good night.